About Me

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An average teenage girl who can laugh none stop when u make her laugh... Loves adventure, ice-cream and tears...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today... 24 June...

OMG... why got people can so fan until i got headache de ah? I got headache looking for words to reply them... asking things that has nothing to do with them at all.. argh... freaking people~ go away lah... don't make me turn into a devil then only run~

I wonder why do i get hungry so easily... I wanna keep fit but i keep eating... I guess i'm making myself growing fat rather than going slimmer...ish~~

btw, recently i went putrajaya...wetland and taman botani... for MAMMI, Lingling and LENGLUI, phuitheng birthday..=D

Awwww, i come to my blog because my teddy told me that i did't update for a very long time... i guess is about time to come back to my pretty little blog and start blogging about my LIFE~ =D

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