Yesterday was my birthday and i did't really celebrate it... I decided to just work instead of taking off day... I went to work kinda early.... and I got a gift from Vincent Lian..... Then the rest wished me lar... We work as usual and went to break as usual... This time, there's 8 of us... we sat on a reserved table... and they said is specially reserved for me... WOW... haha...
We had our lunch and back to work... Soon, i got Famous Amos cookies from them.... and they refused to tell me who give me... I also dont know who to thank... but now i know who to thank... everyone who gonna watch movie with my later...=)
Back from work and my mum and aunty kept their promise... they bring to the very shop they said we gonna eat dinner on my birthday and i had a set of chicken chop....=) Hahahah, of everything we order... Mine is the best... =p
K lar.... still okay... then i got a very small cake from my aunty since my brother ffk me... LOL.... that cake doesn't taste like cake... it taste more like... chocolate mint... but not bad la... i got a cake at least.... =)
Ah, That's basically what i like the most.... The picture above... A birthday wish using butter cream by my teddy~!!!!!
One bad thing...... The bloody XXXXXXX management go and delete off the msn... so i cant go online... but then i found it lar... Because i'm not dumb... Looking at my brother do things... can guess where to find it back... but dont want to get it back lar... since he can do that... he must have his own bloody XXXXXXX reason... lolx... but i seriously seriously hate him as an employee... kakakaka
Which employee would be happy if the employer not a fair person?
k lar... happy also over d.... angry also over d.... gotta work soon d... and thanks everyone for their wishes~!!
PS: Anyone free on Saturday can join me for a movie.. Watching benjamin button at noon... Meet in Pyramid at 12pm...=) Oh yeah, informed me if u're able to come...=)
Happy Belated Birthday ya!!!
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