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An average teenage girl who can laugh none stop when u make her laugh... Loves adventure, ice-cream and tears...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Scout Flag Ceremony

Well, A Scout/Scouter/Friend? of mine blogged about scout ceremony...
You can view his blog in CookieIce =)

He said,

scout do practice flag ceremony every meeting.with the school flag pole already there.

but this photo show you the flag pole is built by scout with mayb bamboo, bakau wood or scout staff/stave.

He is actually missing scouts who do their own flag pole in every scout meeting... Guess wad... 132 is doing our own flag pole in every scout meeting... 132 should be proud about it...=)

If anyone has a photo of the flag pole during the scout meeting... do send over to me yea~!! =)


Akira 思胜 said...

Walau eh, at where u got this old fashioned photo? hahaha...

A Whole New World said...

from my friend's blog... hahaha....