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An average teenage girl who can laugh none stop when u make her laugh... Loves adventure, ice-cream and tears...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trials,Camps, Video Clip !!

Hmm... benny complain my blog become more and more boring...
so i bet there is no more detailed stories as be4 lar..xD
no time to blog long also... and got time also no more...
my blog post... more towards... complain...
bleh..... always complain not good ah....

Hmm... so far life seems okay now...
Kinda suddenly got the feeling of "dont study can die"...
hahahaha.... i told that to my darling Wan Ying and she also said the same thing...
thank god i'm not the only one feeling that way...
still... i'm here blogging...xD

Ohh.... most Trials paper are setara in Petaling Perdana~!! So far i know... BI, EST, BM,Physic are setara... what else is setara????? sighs~!!!

camp is coming up...
i'm not ready... as usual....
i normally pack a day be4 camp....
geng leh.... but that's me lar.... never prepare one...xD
i'm praying our campsite is somewhere low...
so i dont need to climb and climb and climb...xD

Hmmm, cant wait to produce the video clip duh...
cant wait to laugh at Permanent Head Damage Doctor....
cant wait to have "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"...
I just cant wait to see everyone have fun...
Quick, give me more photos so i have more time to crack my head for wonderful ideas...
then you guys will have nice video clip...

One problem i facing...
i wanna cut song.... more like... i want chorus only...
but i dont have the software anymore...
who got ah???


Akira 思胜 said...

Camp again? Gosh, so many activities around u neh...

Melting Ice Cream said...

every1 does that...lolXx...where got ppl pack 1 week b 4 camp...hahah

A Whole New World said...

Akira: what camp again?? the previous one is campfire... and now this is camp..xD

Yu Liang: lolx... people pack few days be4 camp lar...xD