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An average teenage girl who can laugh none stop when u make her laugh... Loves adventure, ice-cream and tears...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A photo

Okay, i found this photo in Tharshini's friendster profile...
Yeap, is Kevin's birthday and he brought us here....
The one playing with the phone is Kar Weng
and the one Cutest one is Kevin...

I'm right in the middle wearing pink mickey shirt...xD

I like this photo as it is very random and nice...
It proves Kar Weng loves his phone...
Proves Kevin is cute....
Proves i'm POSER~!!

PS: View Wan Ying's Egg and help her hatch it...lolx~!!
Since today Wan Ying lay eggs~!! lolx... JKJK


Akira 思胜 said...

Nice pic, so natural! Hehe... Went to BBQ Plaza neh...

A Whole New World said...

yeap, nice right??
i also like the picture..xD