About Me

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An average teenage girl who can laugh none stop when u make her laugh... Loves adventure, ice-cream and tears...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bored Outing with mum going to work

Mummy go work and bring me along.. got bored and Syok Sendiri take picture lar...

Qiang Xian....

Hartamas Square Room...=)


Mum at last found out i bought a new shoe~!! She asked me how much and i told her RM 15... she say good choice....xD

Oh.. as my leg is so ugly... i only take the shoe for 2nd shot...xD

My dinner... Club Sandwich which cost RM 10.+++

Square Room fitting room... my outfit for the day...

See my pretty boring face...xD

Look how boring i am...zzz

Mum force me wear this extemely big shirt~!!

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