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An average teenage girl who can laugh none stop when u make her laugh... Loves adventure, ice-cream and tears...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Learn about Law

->law is a set of rules that enforce in the society

-> court is a very powerful thing
-> court is the place for justice and judgement

basically got 3 type for the 1st instance
-> magistrates, county and crown court
-> you can go on to high court
-> go on to divisional court or court of appeal
-> go to supreme court
-> go to the european court

how the law basically made
->1st reading -> 2nd reading -> Committee stage -> Report stage -> 3rd reading -> House Of Lord -> Royal Ascent

human rights act 1998
-> art 2 - right to life
-> art 3 torture, inhuman or degrading treatment not allowed
-> art 4 - slavery not allowed
-> art 5 - right to liberty except where the law allows arrest or detention
-> art 6 - right to fair trial and public hearing
-> art 7 - no one shall be found guilty if the act was not a crime in the time he committed it
-> art 8 - (important) right to privacy in his private and family life, his home and correspondence
-> art 9 - right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
-> art 10 - freedom of expression, which icludes speech
-> art 11 - (important for party) freedom of peaceful assembly and association
-> art 12 - (damn imprtant) right to marry
-> art 14 - there should no discrimination on any ground


Akira 思胜 said...

Wah, you want to study Law?
Law made are meant to be broken, wakakakzz...

A Whole New World said...

Nolar... i probably die if i study law...lolx..

jwhue said...

This is basically British Law, because we don't have the House of Lords. We do have the Dewan Negara though.

It's stated in the History textbook too, how laws are made.